Buffalo Law Review

Article Submissions

The Buffalo Law Review welcomes unsolicited manuscripts on topics of contemporary legal significance. Text should be double or triple spaced. Footnotes should conform to the standards set forth in The Bluebook. Manuscripts cannot be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, postage-paid envelope. All editorial work is performed on Windows workstations using Microsoft Word software.

The Buffalo Law Review reserves editorial privilege with regard to all matters of form, including but not limited to, diction, grammar, spelling, syntax and matters of convention, as well as with regard to the substantive accuracy of citations.

Due to the large number of submissions received by the Buffalo Law Review each semester, only authors to whom the Review has decided to extend offers will be contacted. The Buffalo Law Review prides itself in a speedy and thorough articles review process, and will generally extend any offers of publication within one month of receiving a submission.

Electronic Submissions

The Buffalo Law Review accepts submissions through either its ExpressO or Scholastica academic publishing accounts. Submissions may also be emailed to blrarticles2@gmail.com. Authors who submit electronically should attach a cover letter and a curriculum vitae in addition to the article. The subject line of the email should be:

"Article Submission: [Author Name]" for articles;
"Book Review Submission: [Author Name]" for book reviews.
Postal Mail

Alternatively, submissions may be sent to the following address.

Buffalo Law Review
University at Buffalo Law School
605 John Lord O'Brian Hall
Buffalo, New York 14260
Expedited Review

If you have received an offer from another journal for your article or book review and would like to request an expedited review, please send an e-mail to blrarticles2@gmail.com. The subject line of the email should only include the string "Expedited Review." In the body of the email, please include your name, the title of the manuscript, the date the current offer expires, a deadline for a decision from the Buffalo Law Review, and your contact information.


Paul Larkin's article on the implications of changing marijuana laws was featured in his testimony to the Canadian Parliament on the same subject matter. Paul had a particular focus on how, as governments are legalizing marijuana in different ways, and at different rates, there are coordination issues when citizens have freedom to travel between the jurisdictions of those governments. His full statement can be found here.

Brendan Conley's comment was selected from our 2016–17 Note & Comment competition. It focuses on the transient legal setting in which fantasy sports betting has been developing. Concurrent with its publishing, the Supreme Court made its decision in the case he follows. As expected, the Court ultimately did rule in favor of New Jersey on May 14, 2018, striking down the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act in Murphy v. NCAA, 584 U.S. ___, Nos. 16-476, 16-477, 2017 WL 684747 (2018). More on Murphy can be found here.

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